We custom make various Heavy Duty Rocket Launch pads.
Medium 36″ Steel Launch Pad
medium duty model rocket launch pad that accepts 1/8, 3/16, and ¼” launch rods.
Assembles quickly and easily
Legs fold together for compact storage
Includes perch block to keep rocket off of deflector plate
8” deflector plate
36” in Diameter
Total weight: 7.5 lbs.
Medium 36″ Aluminum Launch Pad
same as above steel 36″ launch pad but does not require tools for setup
approximate weight 5 lbs.
Steel 48″ Heavy Duty Launch Pad
Do you want to re-use your rockets hundreds of times? Have you ever had to climb a fence, climb a tree, or navigate an awkward situation to get it back? Those days are over when you have an adjustable launch pad! Most rocket chasing and hunting can be avoided by angleing your rocket into the wind slightly, helping it to drift back to where you are launching from.
-Accepts ¼”, ½”, and 1010 launch rails
-Designed for all rocket motors up to level J
-Adjustable angle for making slight adjustment to compensate for wind direction
-Robust, heavy duty fully welded steel construction, strong enough for you to stand on!
-Stake holes for extra stability.
Legs fold together for compact storage. Legs are made from 1-1/2″ Square steel tubing
Larger than 48” in diameter footprint
Total weight: 28 lbs.
Unpainted, raw steel finish
A wrench is required for setup and, a D clip easily allows you to to tip the unit down for loading on long launch rails.

Mega Super Gigantic Rocket Launch Pad!
This is the most Super heavy duty model rocket launch pad that can be delivered to your front door.
Steel high-power Model Rocket Launch Pad 68” Estes Set
Footprint approximately 6 feet in diameter
Weight of over 60 pounds
All fasteners are 1/2 diameter for added durability
Accepts Any launch rail up to 1.5″ wide
Designed for all sizes of rocket motors from A-M
Adjustable angle for making slight adjustment to compensate for wind direction
Robust, heavy duty fully welded steel construction
Stake holes for extra stability. If you want stakes, please request them
Legs fold together for compact storage. Legs are made from 2″ Square steel tubing (1/8″ wall thickness)
Unpainted, raw steel finish
A wrench is required for setup and, a D clip easily allows you to to tip the unit down for loading on long launch rails. Legs are adjusted by hand with handles.
Launch rail is NOT included.

Estes Apogee components porta pad porta-pad II set setup equipment taser rocketarium build a low cost mid power NAR National Association of Rocketry